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Southwest Auto Insurance

Finding the best rates on Southwest Auto Insurance can be simple. You just need to understand the required coverage by law and special laws each individual state has that may be helpful to you. This is true whether your Southwest auto insurance will be in any of the following states (or any state really):

  • Arizona
  • New Mexico
  • Texas
  • Nevada
  • California

Arizona Auto Insurance

The minimum amount of coverage required in Arizona for Bodily Injury and Property Damage are $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident for Bodily Injury and $10,000 per accident for Property Damage.

Arizona state law states that anyone who drives your vehicle with your permission will be covered under your policy. Each insurance company will have different exclusions for this, so make sure you understand what those exclusions are.

Arizona state law also states that if you are cancelled or not renewed by your insurance company, you can write to the Director of Insurance, State of Arizona, Department of Insurance and state any objection you have to this. You must do so within ten days of your cancellation or non renewal notice.

Arizona State also has another option. Let's say you are having difficulty getting insured due to a spotty driving history. Then you can choose coverage through the Arizona Automobile Insurance Plan. To apply for this coverage, you can contact any licensed property and casualty insurance agent or producer.

New Mexico Auto Insurance

The required coverages in New Mexico are Bodily Injury and Property Damage. The minimum required limits by law are $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident for Bodily Injury and $10,000 per accident for Property Damage.

It is important to note that New Mexico passed the Personal Insurance Credit Information Act. This went into effective on January 1, 2006. The purpose of this act is to help protect consumers when their credit information is used by an insurer.

The Personal Insurance Credit Information Act (PICIA) requires insurance companies to use credit information in a limited manner when selling, quoting or renewing auto insurance. It is meant to protect New Mexico consumers from being charged higher rates or being cancelled because of credit history.

The PICIA ensures that customers are not denied auto insurance simply because of their credit score or history. Although people with a lower credit score pose a higher risk insurers also recognize that people can change or improve their credit score over time by making wise decisions. If a company does use credit information as part of their basis for insurance rates, they will typically order your credit information again at renewal time. If your score has increased, your rate may be lowered.

Here are some of the main ways that the PICIA protects those with New Mexico auto insurance:

  • Insurers are required to let potential customers know they use credit information as part of the basis for a quote.
  • Insurers cannot deny coverage based solely on credit information.
  • Insurers must take into account "extraordinary life circumstance," including: medical conditions, illness, injury or disease; divorce; the death of a spouse, child, or parent; involuntary loss of employment, identity theft; loss that makes a home uninhabitable, and other circumstances.
  • If an insurer used credit based information, they must send notice to the customer explaining their procedures and exceptions.

Texas Auto Insurance

The required coverages in Texas are Bodily Injury and Property Damage. The minimum required limits by law are $20,000 per person and $40,000 per accident for Bodily Injury and $15,000 per accident for Property Damage.

A special provision in Texas’ law was passed on January 1, 2004. It is called Pay as you Drive (PAYD).  This law gives insurance companies the option of offering a cents per miles driven payment option to customers. If you drive less, you pay less. This is a great option for people who drive less, work from home, or car pool to work.

PAYD works like this: insurance companies determine your per mile rate based on your zip code, car and type, driver type, and other household information. This information places you in a certain group. The insurance company then determines the average miles someone in your particular group would drive. You can then choose to buy the mile rate. If you reach the allotted miles, you must pay more to drive more.

Nevada Auto Insurance

The required coverages in Nevada are Bodily Injury and Property Damage. The minimum required limits by law are $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident for Bodily Injury and $10,000 per accident for Property Damage.

Nevada has important laws for new residents. New residents must get a Nevada driver’s license within 30 days and register a vehicle within 60 days. Out of state auto insurance is not accepted. You have to find an approved Nevada-licensed carrier which you can do through the Nevada Department of Insurance. If you are getting a quote for Nevada auto insurance, ask the company if they are an approved carrier for the state. Once you have insurance, you must follow the Nevada Insurance Verification Program which has your insurance company verify your insurance coverage.

California Auto Insurance

The required coverages in California are Bodily Injury and Property Damage. The minimum required limits by law are $15,000 per person and $30,000 per accident for Bodily Injury and $5,000 per accident for Property Damage.

An important law in California to be aware of is Assembly Bill 2677. It went into effect January 1, 2005. This Bill requires insurance companies to give potential customers an estimate for their lowest possible cost. The customer must request which limits they are interested in receiving a quote for. The law provides two ways for insurance companies to provide this service. They may maintain a toll free number or a web site. Both of these should refer the customer to an agent who can help them.

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